YUKON 2005

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Surprisingly I arrived in the Yukon on the back of a pick up truck. The wind rain cold and effort of climbing through the rockies had worn me down and activated my asthma to the point where riding was not only difficult but impossible. So Pascal and Florian flagged down a pick up and a very nice man took me into Watson Lake. It was several days before I was able to ride again. I call the first few nights there the nights of my "transpiration" as each morning it was necessary to dry my sleeping bag from the nights hot sweat.

The people in the Yukon are unique and lovely and our time was far too short and we saw far too little of it. There are some great adventure rides to be done like the Dempster or Canol roads. Then there are the canoe routes and hiking trails. Hopefully time will allow me to come back here again and spend more time exploring this great Canadain wilderness area.

Photos are on view at : https://dpjolkowski.tripod.com/yukon

Further information on this trip is at: https://dpjolkowski.tripod.com/britishcolumbia/bc.htm

And at:  http://davidpjolkowski.tripod.com/alaska/alaska.htm